Ma'soem University Library

Beranda / Berita / Ma'soem University Library
5 April 2019
Ma'soem University Library

There's been a new addition to Yayasan Al Ma'soem Bandung's vast developing facilities; the Al Ma'soem Library. The library which located near the AMIK & STABANKS building on the first floor close to the Bimbingan Belajar Department, provides a warm and welcoming space which promotes a love for reading and the lifelong enthusiasm to learn more about science, culture, social, literature and more that will eventually help the students in their studies.

Here, students will be taught and learn to appreciate for literature through each programs that the Al Ma'soem Library will provide, such as; Group Story Time, Drama Reading, Group Discussion, and many more. Even though the library is still in its early development process, it is in our best wishes that Al Ma'soem Library could provide and play a leading role in developing Yayasan Al Ma'soem's students to widen their knowledge.

With the incoming of many exciting years to come for Al Ma'soem Library, it is in our best interest that the library could provides students with new exciting skills and knowledge that build upon those acquired at school and hone them to be better with the service that the Al Ma'soem Library will provide. It is believe with the vast resources and activities representing a diversity of experiences and skills will assist the students in becoming proficient users of information.

Beyond the books, Al Ma'soem Library hopefully could provide the learning environment needed that designed and managed for a wide range of students. Online learning environment is also being considered to provide more diversity to the way of learning for students. The library will get the latest tech system which will support the needs of all the students of Yayasan Al Ma'soem Bandung.

The basic needs of technology for any appliance in providing students with easy access to the World Wide Web, like computers, will also going to be added as an additional component for learning and researching. The Al Ma'soem Library is built on the foundation of the value of reading for pleasure and the appreciation and enjoyment of literature to gain more knowledge about the world we living in which is very critical for lifelong learners.

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