

Promoting good practice research on lifestyle behaviours and mental wellbeing in adolescence to influence policy by reporting innovations.

Steering committee:

  1. Ir. H. Dadang M. Ma'soem, MSCE., Ph.D.
  2. Encep Supriatna, SE., S.Kom.
  3. Drs. Yudy, M. Ag.
  4. M. Ryzki Wiryawan, S. Ip., M.T.

Organising Committee:

  1. Andre Julius, M.Pd.
  2. Dr. Alfaiz, S.Psi., M.Pd.
  3. Dr. Muthaharah Thahir, M.Pd.
  4. Vina Dartina, S.Sos., M.Pd., M.I.Kom.,CT.
  5. Irfan Fahriza, M.Pd.
  6. Ananda Rachmaniar, M.Pd.

Scientific Committee:

  1. Dr. Chiedu Eseadi, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  2. Dr. Farhana Sabri, University Sains Islam, Malaysia
  3. Aprezo Maba, The University of Queensland, Australia
  4. Kushendar, Universitas Ma’arif Lampung, Indonesia

How to apply:

If you want to participate as Atendees or Speakers, please send you Expression of Interest (EOI) through this link: We will send you an official invitation once you confirm your interest.

If you want to participate as speakers, you are required to attach the official invitiation in you manuscript submission. The submission should directly sent to the journal's site and conform to their publication policies:

  1. Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal (Scopus Q1, SJR 0.22, Sinta 1, and DOAJ Seal) - 
  2. Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Sinta 2 and DOAJ) -

Please be informed that all submissions for this conference should adhere to the following:

  1. A formal letter of invitation from the committee.
  2. A cover letter indicating that the submission is intended for presentation at the conference.
  3. Conformity to the journal's author guidelines and the conference's themes.
  4. All submissions must be original articles and will undergo rigorous peer review.
  5. All accepted submissions will receive a Letter of Acceptance and will be published in the first issue of 2025.
  6. Please note that all accepted submissions will be subjected to an Article Processing Charge.
  7. Any complaints and appeals are subjected to the journal's policies.

See you at the conference! 

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