Tahun | : | 2018 |
Nama Mahasiswa | : | Irma Rosmayanti |
Jurusan | : | Perbankan Syariah (S1) |
Irma Rosmayanti. The Influence of Promotional Mixes on the Decisions of Simpatik Savings Customers in Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Rancaekek. Al Ma'some Islamic Banking Jatinangor. Advisor: Yudhy, Drs., M. Ag. Final Project, Chapter I-V 93 page, 25 Appendix.
This research was conducted to determine how much influence the promotion mix has on the decision of sympathetic savings customers in Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Rancaekek. The research method used in this study is to use descriptive methods with a quantitative approach. The main source of research is a questionnaire distributed to 30 respondents. Data is processed with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 23.
There are two variables in this study, namely variable X (promotion mix) and variable Y (customer decision). The X variables studied include advertising (advertising), sales promotion, publicity and personal selling. While the Y variables studied include need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision and postpurchase behavior.
The results showed that the level of correlation between the influence of the promotion mix on customer decisions was 0.312 and was in the low category. The z test results show that z count 1.653 > from z table 1.64. This means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that there is an influence of the promotion mix on the customer's decision. The determination coefficient value obtained is 0.097 or 9.7%, meaning that in general the promotion mix contributes 9.7% to the customer's decision on sympathetic savings. While the remaining 90.3% is influenced by other factors such as price, location, quality of service and others.
Keywords : Promotional mix And customer decisions.
Irma Rosmayanti. Pengaruh Bauran Promosi terhadap Keputusan Nasabah Tabungan Simpatik di Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Rancaekek. Perbankan Syariah Al Ma’soem Jatinangor. Pembimbing: Yudhy, Drs., M. Ag. Tugas Akhir, Bab I-V 93 halaman, 25 Lampiran.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh bauran promosi terhadap keputusan nasabah tabungan simpatik di Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Rancaekek. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber utama penelitian adalah kuesioner yang disebar kepada 30 responden. Data diolah dengan bantuan IBM SPSS Statistic 23.
Terdapat dua variabel dalam penelitian ini, yaitu variabel X (bauran promosi) dan variabel Y (keputusan nasabah). Variabel X yang diteliti meliputi periklanan (advertising), promosi penjualan (sales promotion), publisitas (publicity) dan penjualan pribadi (personal selling). Sedangkan variabel Y yang diteliti meliputi pengenalan kebutuhan (need recognition), pencarian informasi (information search), evaluasi alternatif (evaluation of alternatives), keputusan membeli (purchase decision) dan perilaku setelah membeli (postpurchase behavior).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat korelasi pengaruh bauran promosi terhadap keputusan nasabah sebesar 0,312 dan berada dalam kategori rendah. Hasil uji z menunjukkan bahwa z hitung 1,653 > dari z tabel 1,64. Hal ini berarti Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima. Artinya terdapat pengaruh bauran promosi terhadap keputusan nasabah. Nilai koefisien determinasi yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,097 atau 9,7%, artinya secara umum bauran promosi memberikan kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 9,7% terhadap keputusan nasabah tabungan simpatik. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 90,3% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain seperti harga, lokasi, kualitas pelayanannya dan lain-lain.
Kata Kunci: Bauran Promosi dan Keputusan Nasabah.